King Media


Don't Regret The Bet

CLIENT: Michigan Gaming Control Board

With the legalization of casino gambling, online betting and sports betting in Michigan came an onslaught of pro-gambling advertising—a relentless barrage of ads encouraging Michiganders to bet. To combat that onslaught and educate the public about responsible gaming, the Michigan Gaming Control Board turned to King. We delivered an entertaining, highly visible campaign centered on a single idea—Don’t Regret the Bet.



The statewide integrated marketing campaign is fun and lively, with custom animation that drives our messaging home in a variety of ways. Tactics like broadcast and OTT television, digital and social media ads, broadcast radio and digital audio, billboards, and more.

Regardless which ads our audiences engage with, they’ll likely land at, where the campaign logo, color palate and custom animations shine. A variety of helpful (and clever) tools and resources add to this engaging, interactive, and far-from-boring landing page.





For social media, King launched broad statewide awareness campaigns—one optimized for awareness/reach; a second behavioral targeting optimized for website traffic. A series of hyper-targeted ads are reaching specific audiences like horse racing enthusiasts, recent casino visitors, March Madness fans, and car racing fans at MI Speedway, and more with messages designed specifically for them.

The broadest statewide social media effort was optimized for reach—and delivered three video ads to 4,249,094 individuals, serving up 20,469,729 impressions. But wait, there’s more! The ads continued to perform past reach alone. Over 1,396,095 have engaged with this content; 1,383,075 watched at least the first three seconds of the video, and12,260 went on to visit campaign landing page. 

The statewide behavioral targeting campaign has the same three video ad-sets and reached 885,234 individuals with 4,874,939 Impressions resulting in 78,474 link clicks and a 1.61% click through rate.

Of the more targeted efforts, examples include the horse racing effort which delivered to people who had recently visited the Northville Downs racetrack and reached 44,488 individuals with 251,343 Impressions resulting in 1,578 link clicks and a .63% click through rate. And March Madness ads delivered 689,038 impressions to 209,918 individuals—resulting in 13,508 link clicks through for a rate of 1.96%.

Three flights of OTT awareness campaigns have reached 779,060 addressed with 5,842,862 impressions for a frequency of 8.1 ads per.  

Steaming and podcast audio are achieving strong coverage throughout the state, even in some of the harder to reach areas like the UP. With streaming audio, we’ve reached 821,952 devices with 7,949,175 impressions for a frequency of 9.9; podcast ads have reached 3,100,697 with 6,225,423 for a frequency of 3.72 ads per individual.

Outdoors, 1,531 gas stations across Michigan showed our video ads 12,042,985 times to Michiganders fueling their vehicles. On the road, 255 digital billboard locations resulted in 2,18 4,669 ad plays for 28,135,767 total impressions.

In concert with the Michigan Association of Broadcasters, we were able to provide added value in the form of 23,301 bonus ad plays for a total added value of $320,555 with a return of $4.24 per $1 invested.

The campaign landing page,, has welcomed 56,432 users to date, and they’ve engaged with the site 67,462 times and downloaded 404 files.